Schizotypal Personality Disorder Treatment

Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry offers first-class schizotypal personality disorder treatment designed to offer relief to the individual and those who love them. Our skilled team of therapists use their knowledge and gift for communication to help people with this challenging disorder begin to understand it better. From there, they can reduce some of their symptoms and have an easier time developing fun and fruitful relationships.

man with schizotypal personality disorder
symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder

Living with a personality disorder can cause chaos and confusion to both the person who has it and those around them. Schizotypal personality disorder has its own set of challenges that keep a person from forming healthy and long-lasting relationships with others. Because it can be easily misdiagnosed or if the person doesn’t seek treatment for it, the symptoms can worsen over time.

What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

Having a schizoid personality disorder means the person has difficulty forming close relationships with others. They have few or no real relationships with friends, romantic partners, or others. While they might want to have people closer to them, their paranoia makes them suspicious of anyone who tries to befriend them or otherwise get close.

The person has paranoid feelings that warp their ability to trust others. This disorder is not the same thing as schizophrenia or schizoid personality disorder. This makes it important that the individual gets a thorough assessment so the exact right diagnosis can be made.

Once the diagnosis is made, it becomes imperative that the person seeks schizotypal personality disorder treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Schizotypal Personality Disorder

People in need of schizotypal personality disorder treatment show signs of their illness. It’s important for them and those around them to recognize them so they can get proper care. The signs and symptoms include:

  • Speaks and acts in confusing ways
  • Paranoia
  • Difficulty expressing emotions and reacting to the emotions of others
  • An unusual appearance (clothes, hair, etc.)
  • Experiences social anxiety
  • Prefers to isolate 
  • Has difficulty making and maintaining long-term relationships
  • Often lacks enthusiasm for any activities or hobbies
  • Low or no sex drive
  • Does not react or reacts in odd ways to compliments or criticism from others.

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    Effective Treatments for Schizotypal Personality Disorder

    When seeking schizotypal personality disorder treatment, there are certain types of therapy that can help the individual. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) during psychotherapy sessions helps the person process their thought patterns and change them. Group therapy allows people with the same disorder to work together and develop trust. Peer support lets them enjoy the give-and-take of being with others while they work on their treatment goals. 

    Medication also provides an effective way to help reduce some of the symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder. Common medications used include antipsychotics, antidepressants, and stimulants. 

    treatment for schizotypal personality disorder in Atlanta, GA
    Most people have heard of schizophrenia and mistakenly believe it’s the same thing as schizophrenia personality disorder. Schizophrenia causes people to have hallucinations and tremendous trouble differentiating between reality and fantasy or what their mind tells them is happening.

    Someone who has schizotypal personality disorder can have brief episodes of psychosis, but not to the degree that those with schizophrenia have. Someone with schizotypal personality disorder is more likely to recognize that they are experiencing poor mental health symptoms but not necessarily seek treatment.  

    These two disorders have similarities but also share differences. People with schizoid personality disorder often recognize the differences between themselves and others and are more likely to seek treatment. They often feel depressed or anxious about being around others, which can motivate them to seek help.

    Those with schizotypal personality disorder often don’t feel concerned about their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. As a result, they are less likely to ask for professional treatment.

    People with schizotypal personality disorder have a tendency to dress in a way that stands out, whereas those with schizoid personality disorder are less likely to have this issue.

    While both disorders can benefit from prescription medications, the kinds used may be from different families. A person who has a schizoid personality disorder often responds well to medications for depression and anxiety. Those with schizotypal personality disorder are more likely to take mood stabilizers and anti-psychotic drugs. 

    The exact cause of schizotypal personality disorder isn’t known, but there are contributing factors. If a family member has it or another type of psychiatric disorder, that increases the chances of developing it. The disorder can also develop because of irregular functions in the brain or environmental factors.

    It takes a qualified physician or mental health professional to diagnose this disorder during a psychiatric evaluation. The individual being examined will answer questions about the length and severity of their symptoms, when they began, and how they impact their lives. From there, a decision about if schizotypal personality disorder treatment is needed can be made.

    Schizotypal personality disorder typically gets diagnosed in early adulthood. However, symptoms may arise when the individual is a teenager or child. There isn’t a cure for this mental health disorder, but with the right combination of appropriate therapy and prescription medications, the person can reduce their symptoms. As a result, they feel less stress about their condition and can form meaningful bonds with others. 

    Find Schizotypal Personality Disorder Treatment

    Have you tried to find qualified schizotypal personality disorder treatment but haven’t found the right place for you? Because schizotypal personality disorder can be difficult to diagnose, finding a mental health expert who recognizes it is the first step. Once treatment sessions begin, the individual will work with someone who understands their symptoms and how to teach them to gain better control of them. Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry also offers options for prescription drugs that help people with this disorder. 

    Contact us today and let our friendly admissions staff explain how our program works. Our outpatient appointments can help guide someone with schizotypal personality disorder to a better place of understanding and managing their illness.

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    Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry is an Industry leader in mental health treatment . Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treat and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual.
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