Psychiatric Evaluations

in Atlanta

Psychiatric evaluations at Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry allow individuals to receive a comprehensive assessment of their mental health condition and a personalized treatment plan. These evaluations are important for individuals experiencing emotional, behavioral, or cognitive difficulties, as they can help identify any underlying issues contributing to their symptoms. 

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What is a Psychiatric Evaluation and Assessment?


A psychiatric evaluation and assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s mental health. It is conducted by a licensed psychiatrist who has the necessary training and expertise to assess a person's mental health. 


During the assessment, the psychiatrist will ask questions about the individual's history, current mental health, and any symptoms they may be experiencing. The psychiatrist will also ask about any medications, therapies, or treatments the individual has tried.


The assessment aims to identify any underlying mental health issues that may be contributing to their symptoms and determine if the individual may benefit from any form of treatment. Additionally, these evaluations can be used to determine if an individual may benefit from medication, therapy, or other forms of treatment. 


By completing a psychiatric evaluation, individuals can gain insight into their mental health and take steps towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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    How Do Our Psychiatric Evaluations in Atlanta Work?


    At our clinic in Atlanta, we provide comprehensive mental health assessments for individuals experiencing emotional, behavioral, or cognitive difficulties. Our evaluations are conducted by licensed psychiatrists experienced in assessing and diagnosing mental health conditions. 


    Based on the information provided, the psychiatrist can make an informed diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s specific needs.


    Furthermore, our evaluations are designed to help our patients gain insight into their mental health to assist them in taking steps towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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    A licensed psychiatrist conducts a psychiatric evaluation and focuses on assessing an individual’s mental health and medical condition. The psychiatrist will ask questions about prior illnesses, injuries, medications, family history, and treatments the person has had. 


    Other types of tests could be offered, such as genetics testing for mental health disorders or blood tests. The psychiatrist will also evaluate your mood and mental status using various methods. 


    After the interview and obtaining test results from recommended medical tests, the psychiatrist will arrive at a diagnosis. Next, they will use the diagnoses to develop a personalized treatment plan based on the patient’s needs and objectives. 


    On the other hand, a psychological evaluation is conducted by a licensed psychologist and focuses on assessing an individual’s cognitive abilities and emotional functioning. They will often ask similar questions regarding medical history, medications, and prior treatments. 


    However, one key difference is psychological evaluations use standardized tests to help determine whether a person has a mental health disorder. The test results are compared to a large sample of thousands of people. The test results indicate if a person could have a mental health disorder, be borderline, or not have one at all. 


    Based on the interview questions and test results, a psychologist will use that information to create a treatment plan for the patient. 

    At Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry, our psychiatric evaluations are designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive mental health assessment. Usually, the initial psychiatric evaluation can last between 60 and 90 minutes. Therefore, it is essential that you wear comfortable clothing. 


    Additionally, it is important to be honest, and open with your psychiatrist during your evaluation, as this will help them to accurately assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan. The more open and honest you are, the more effective it is in determining a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. 


    Furthermore, all of our psychiatric evaluations adhere to HIPAA regulations. Your evaluation and the information you share are completely confidential and will not be shared with anyone else unless we have your express written permission. 

    During your evaluation, your psychiatrist will assess your mental health and provide you with a diagnosis. Additionally, they will develop a personalized treatment plan to help you address your symptoms and achieve a healthier, more fulfilling life.


    Your treatment plan may include psychiatry, or lifestyle changes depending on your particular needs. Your psychiatrist will work with you to ensure you get the best care possible.

    It is vital to prepare for your evaluation by gathering any information that may be relevant to your mental health, including any medical records or prior psychiatric or psychological evaluations. It is also recommended that you bring a list of any medications, treatments, or therapies you have tried.

    Who Needs a Psychiatric Evaluation?


    Anyone who is experiencing emotional, behavioral, or cognitive difficulties may benefit from a psychiatric evaluation at Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry. This includes individuals who are experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, or other mental health issues. 


    Additionally, individuals who have a history of substance use disorders may also benefit from a psychiatric evaluation. It can help to identify underlying issues that may be contributing to their condition. 


    A psychiatric evaluation can also benefit those considering medication, therapy, or other forms of treatment, as it can provide insight into their mental health. So please feel free to contact us today to schedule your initial psychiatric evaluation. 

    Find Mental Health Treatment in Atlanta Today!


    The compassionate staff at Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry understands how hard it can be to get a proper mental health diagnosis, let alone adequate mental health treatment. Our Psychiatric Evaluations can help you create a breakthrough in your mental health journey and get you back on the road to recovery. Call us today or schedule an appointment now.


    Morin, A. (2021). Mental Illness Types, Symptoms, and Diagnosis.

    Part 1: The Connection Between Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illness. (2022).

    Your Rights Under HIPAA. (2022).

    You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

    Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry is an Industry leader in mental health treatment . Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treat and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual.
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