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Is Bulimia Nervosa an Addiction?

Is Bulimia Nervosa an Addiction?

Bulimia has been described as an eating disorder, a compulsive behavior, and a mental health concern – but is bulimia an addiction, too?

Is Bulimia an Addiction?

No, bulimia is not an addiction, but it does share some similarities with addictions. For example:

  • Bulimia and substance use disorders (addictions) both involve a loss of control.
  • Bulimia and addictions both cause overwhelming urges and compulsions.
  • Bulimia and addictions are both behavioral health disorders.
  • Bulimia and addictions can be sources of both physical harm and psychological distress.

Key Differences Between Bulimia and Addiction

  • Though people with bulimia have moments when they feel they have lost control, one of the defining aspects of this disease (engaging in compensatory behaviors) allows them to feel like they are exerting great control over their body and – by extension – their life. Addictions rarely if ever offer people a similar sense of control.
  • Bulimia is not associated with the disorienting highs or altered perceptions that are central to compulsive substance abuse.
  • People who regularly drink to excess or abuse other substances are rarely praised for their behaviors. But some attributes of bulimia are often held up as laudable and even exemplary.
  • Most people who struggle with addictions understand that their substance abuse is harmful. Many people who have bulimia truly believe that their compensatory behaviors will have a beneficial effect.

Can Bulimia Be Treated?

One similarity between bulimia and addiction is that both of these conditions are treatable.

Depending on how a person has been affected by their struggles with bulimia, the ideal course of treatment may require inpatient, residential, and/or outpatient care.

Within these levels, treatment typically involves therapy and education. These services can help patients accomplish goals such as:

  • Identifying their triggers, or the events or circumstances that can prompt a binge eating episode.
  • Learning to manage stress and respond to triggers in a more productive manner, without resorting to unhealthy eating habits and compensatory behaviors.
  • Establishing a better relationship with food and with their own body.
  • Improving their self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Addressing untreated trauma or other mental health concerns that may have contributed to their development of bulimia.
  • Replacing self-defeating thought patterns and maladaptive behaviors with healthier ways of thinking and acting.

There is no single perfect approach to bulimia treatment. If you are seeking help for yourself or someone that you care about, focus on finding the programming that aligns most closely with your needs and goals (or with those of your loved one).

Begin Treating Bulimia in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry offers personalized outpatient mental health treatment in Atlanta, Georgia, area who have been impacted by bulimia, other eating disorders, and a wide range of additional behavioral health concerns. Our dedicated treatment professionals work diligently to ensure that every person who chooses our center receives personalized service and compassionate support within a safe and welcoming environment. To learn more about our programming, or to schedule a free assessment for yourself or a loved one, please visit our appointment page or call our center today.

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