Individual therapy

in atlanta, GA

Have you tried therapy before and didn’t get the long-lasting results you wanted? Have you wanted to speak to a therapist but haven’t made the move yet? Atlanta Integrative Therapy understands it can feel difficult at first to speak candidly with a professional. Because of that, our staff of highly trained experts provides psychotherapy in Atlanta that gives you a private, safe space to open up about your emotions, behaviors, and experiences. We help you determine your treatment goals and reach them.

Schizoaffective disorder treatment in Atlanta, Georgia
cartoon illustration of Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry center

What is Individual Psychotherapy?

Individual therapy is a type of psychotherapy that takes place between an individual and a licensed therapist. The two meet to discuss the issues that affect the person’s life, such as mental health disorders, substance abuse, and general life events. 

Unlike group therapy, all of the focus is on the individual receiving counseling. Our psychotherapy in Atlanta allows the person to become comfortable talking about private and personal situations, emotions, and behaviors, both current and those that happened in the past. The therapist helps the person to work through their issues, see them more clearly, and develop healthy coping skills. This not only helps them in their relationship with themselves but can also help improve relationships with partners, family, and friends.

Some of the topics and events that may be discussed in psychotherapy include:

  • Identifying triggers for mental illness symptoms
  • Developing healthy coping skills
  • Improving self-esteem
  • Learning emotion regulation
  • Improving relationships with loved ones

Revisiting events like trauma and grief that still impact the person today.

    You are not alone. You deserve to get help. Request a confidential phone call now

    Types of Individual Psychotherapy We Provide

    In order to provide people with multiple options for psychotherapy in Atlanta, we offer several types that can help them make real progress. Some people participate in just one modality while others engage in more than one type. The types of individual psychotherapy we provide include:

    Trauma-Informed Therapy: This type of therapy helps people who have experienced trauma, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, acts of war, serious illness or injury, natural disasters, school shootings, and more. It helps the individual focus on how the trauma-impacted them and how to develop coping skills that allow them to feel safe again. 

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT helps treat mental health disorders by teaching people to change their unhealthy thoughts and beliefs. As a result, they learn to alter their behaviors and make healthier choices. 

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy: DBT is a modified version of CBT that operates on a four-step system. Each step helps the person accept who they are while also working toward becoming a healthier, happier version of themselves. 

    EMDR Therapy: An EMDR-trained therapist instructs the person via orchestrated sound cues to use specific eye movements while they discuss a past traumatic event in their life. Through this practice, the person gains the ability not to be controlled by flashbacks and other symptoms that come with PTSD. EMDR can also help people with other mental illnesses.

    man struggling with depression speaking with his psychiatrist about mental health medications

    For some, it can be difficult to make the decision to start therapy. They may not feel certain they can gain anything from it or might not know exactly what’s wrong. Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine if you can benefit from going to therapy:


    • Do I have ongoing stressful events that I need help managing?
    • Do I have symptoms of a mental illness like depression, anxiety, or PTSD, and want to get an official diagnosis?
    • Do I want to improve my communication skills so that I feel understood?
    • Do I want to learn to have healthier and more satisfying relationships with loved ones?
    • Do I tend to avoid other people and social situations because isolating feels more comfortable?
    • Have I developed poor health symptoms such as headache, body aches, digestive difficulties, sleeping too much or too little and can’t find a medical reason for them?

    We designed our psychotherapy in Atlanta sessions to provide the maximum amount of help. We provide a safe and comfortable private area for people to have confidential conversations with their therapist. Things like specific challenges and difficult emotions can be the focus of a session or the topics can run the gamut. Our therapists use evidence-based techniques to help people open up and discuss any relevant past and present situations. From there, they can set treatment goals and make timely steps toward reaching them.  

    The therapist may give “homework” to work on between sessions, such as writing a journal piece or thinking about a specific problem. As therapy continues, the individual becomes more comfortable speaking honestly and builds a bond with their therapist. What they learn about opening up and being frank with others can be applied outside the sessions with partners, family, friends, and co-workers.

    Find Effective Psychotherapy in Atlanta

    When you meet the right therapist who understands the challenges you face and knows how to help you rise above them, your whole life changes. Our staff at Atlanta Integrative Therapy has extensive training to help people with mental health disorders manage their symptoms. Taking advantage of our psychotherapy in Atlanta helps you identify your core issues, work on resolving them, and learn healthy coping skills Together, we can help improve your mental health and feel more in control. 

    Are you ready to take back control of your life and want a skilled, compassionate therapist to help you reach your goals? Contact us today and see how easy it is to make an appointment. 

    Our Therapists

    You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

    Atlanta Integrative Psychiatry is an Industry leader in mental health treatment . Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treat and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual.
    Call us today, we're avialable 24/7.